Thursday, February 9, 2012

Since When Did Blogger Get So Confusing?

I've had a few blogs, and I'm sure there's a nickname for bloggers like I was... you know, they start a blog, post faithfully for about a week, maybe only a day, and then fall off the face of the earth. They suck up all the cool sub-domain names before moving on to another site to suck up some more because they can't face their failure of a blog. 
Notice this is past-tense?

                   Tonight, I tried to delete my old blogger account, which was tied to an aging email account that's on it's way out. I'd heard a lot about gmail, being friends with someone who uses it. So I made an account, with a grown up name that is appropriate to share with anyone without needing to say, "I made it when I was eleven. I'm really not insane." I signed into my old account through my google browser, only to be confronted with a foreign language. 
                Until February 20th, I'm staying with my father, his wife and her children in the Philippines. Well Google, being the little wonder that it is, changes my location settings to the nearest city. For the last week, I didn't care or bother to try to change it; I hadn't yet needed to, having memorized Google's basic setup enough to know where the Google Images button is in relation to the others. But in order to delete my old blogger/google account, I had to change my language settings two or three times to English, a task in itself. Inside my account settings, everything was still in Filipino (I don't understand how the language can be called Filipino when they speak Tagalog or Vinsayas.) and worse than Greek, because it's garbled semi-english. We'll make a long story short, like two hour long, and skip to changing your location setting. Thanks to all these fucking satellites and GPS as part of every program/app/electronic what-have-you, that's not possible! Nope, Google is so smart, and because I'm in Dumaguete, Phils, I must be able to read Filipino.
             Pffft. You'll get to know more about my feelings on satellites, GPS, automated everything over the course of this blog. Though it's come to my attention that I'm transparent when it comes to emotions, so maybe you already have a pretty good sense of them. 


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