Monday, September 24, 2012

A Lesson in the Ego

  Today I went for a swim at the pool, having been too busy to work out all week. I was super excited to be there, with my goggles and front crawls ready to go.
Being new to the whole thing, I opted to share the slow lane with an older woman.
As I was swimming on my back, I saw her splashing closer&closer to my feet, her head above the water.
 Already beginning to be irritated, I maintained my pace, waiting for her to move to the side to pass me ... but her hand slid across my toes, and in a huff, I fluttered off to the side, continuing to swim parallel to her. It happened again, and I angrily thought,
"I should say something. Who does she think she is, swimming into me, twice, and her head's out of the water!"
Then I asked myself,
"Why are you so angry? Is it really because she swam into you, because she didn't apologize like YOU would ... or is it because she's not acknowledging your existence, and the ego doesn't like that?" I smiled, knowing it was the latter. I continued swimming, being mindful of the where the woman was.

As I was getting dressed, the woman walked into the change room, the ball on her red&white bottomed cane bumping rhythmically across the floor.

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